Tuesday, May 13, 2008

How to get a flat tummy fast!

This summer you too can have those beautiful abs you have always dreamed of by just sparing 4 minutes a day- yes, FOUR minutes a day! AND your core (your tummy) is where your greatest strength and health is. It is easy and these work!!

Lie flat on your back with your knees bent at a 90 degree angle (like you are going to do a sit up)
cross your arms over your chest
pull yourself 3/4 of the way up with your stomach (not your neck) and hold it for 3 seconds. Hold your breath in...
bring yourself the rest of the way up, and let out your breath
now, slowly back to the floor and let your breath out.
Do 15 times. Build your way up to 5 reps of 15.

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